Tuesday, March 3, 2009

first day of work and day 3 of no pants after dark

Yesterday was my first day of my internship. I guess I forgot what being an intern entails. It's actually no different that what I did when I was working in Paris, except I don't predict that personal boundaries will be crossed quite so often. It's really no wonder they hired me so fast, as I am so over qualified, it is redonculous. I have to remind myself that it is a step in the right direction, even if i do have to take out the trash along the way.

On to the "No Pants After Dark" rule. I recently decided that I was going to try and wear a skirt or dress whenever I go out at night for 30 days, because I have about a million of both that I never wear. And I find that if I wear a dress, I am more likely to wear one of my many pairs of shoes. I am basically forcing myself to try a little harder and get more bang for my buck out of my unworn clothes. I technically started on Friday, but failed to document it, so Saturday's "Perfect Date Outfit" will be considered outfit #1.

Here is "No Pants After Dark" outfit #2 - even if it was day 3:

(Vintage military jacket, gap t-shirt, Isabel Marant skirt, Tod's pumps, new and vintage jewellery)

I wore said outfit to Spaceland's Free Monday with J. Marie, Daven and Jasmine, where we saw mostly bad bands, except for Easter Conference Champions, who were pretty good. I also was sneaky, and brought my flask and ordered club soda's all night. GENIUS. Almost as good as someone buying your drinks. I realized that I was never going to drink the vodka that was purchased for my birthday party, unless I brought it with me somewhere.

Someone asked if us girls were in a band together, because we looked so fab. No, I am not in the band, but I am, in fact, a super fabulous ROCK STAR.

P.S. J. Marie cut my hair. It is looking pretty fab, but my bangs are a constant battle.

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